Publication release

Publication release

The publication "Art Archives Study. Before and after 2004. Interviews" contains a series of insightful interviews with a range of individuals, offering different perspectives on the collaborations and connections among artists, curators, institutions, non-governmental organizations, archives, and art markets in evolving contexts.

As part of the Art Archives Study project, interviews were conducted with:

  • Zdenka Badovinac on the Arteast 2000+ Collection at Moderna galerija, Ljubljana.
  • Vít Havránek reflecting on Tranzit and the period around 2004.
  • Jana Intihar Ferjan discussing the Archives Department of Moderna galerija, Ljubljana.
  • Hans Knoll on mobility between Vienna, Budapest, Bratislava, and Russia, viewed through the lens of a gallery owner.
  • Boris Ondreička on his artistic and curatorial practice.
  • Marisa Ravalli on the Center for Contemporary Art Futura.
  • Maruša Sagadin on her artistic practice and connections between Slovenia and Austria.
  • Igor Španjol on the Essl Art Award CEE.
  • Jiří Švestka sharing insights into his curatorial and gallery practices before and after 2004.

The interviews are also supplemented by a map showcasing selected curators, artists, art critics, institutions, foundations, venues, collections, exhibitions, and projects referenced throughout the brochure.

Design: Škart


Printed edition: Contact Moderna galerija Archive (        

Online edition: [Access here].                  

The project Art Archives Study. Befoer and after 2004  is co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union (2023–2024).

Disclaimer: Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

Exhibition | The Path to Art. The Hamburg auction house Hauswedell & Nolte

Exhibition | The Path to Art. The Hamburg auction house Hauswedell & Nolte

25.09.2024–28.09.2025 at ZADIK

The Hamburg auction house Hauswedell & Nolte closed its doors in 2015 and handed over its business records to ZADIK. They bear witness to the almost eighty-year history of the auction house, which sold books and autographs, modern art, old masters, and non-European art and cultural artefacts in 466 auctions. Countless objects have thus travelled from Hamburg to collectors, dealers, museums, and libraries around the world.

The exhibition sheds light on the activities, history, and development of one of the most important German auction houses of the second half of the twentieth century. Using selected examples, it traces the path of the objects sold, who collects what and why, which different actors can be involved in collecting, and what traces collecting has left behind in our archives.

These traces are of great importance for many research questions, including those of art market and provenance research. Documents such as those handed over to ZADIK by Hauswedell & Nolte are important sources in this respect – but they are rarely made public. The exhibition thus also aims to make them visible. 

Further information: