Zentralarchiv für deutsche und internationale Kunstmarktforschung ZADIK, Universität zu Köln
The Central Archive for German and International Art Market Studies ZADIK is the world’s only specialised scientific archive devoted to the history of the art trade. ZADIK collects the bequests and estates of art dealers, gallerists, curators, critics, collectors and photographers.
Im Mediapark 7
D- 50670 Köln
D- 50670 Köln
+49 (0)221-470-89230
Database: ZADIK
The ZADIK database was established in 2005. Thanks to development funds of the German government it is being adjusted to the international standards of Encoded Archival Description since 2012. The database offers different query facilities on artists, dealers, collectors, curators, critics and photographers. For legal reasons a large part of the digitized documents are accessible exclusively via ZADIK’s intranet. High-resolution digital copies of the images can be ordered on request.
Records: 12297